For Aesthetic Clinics and Cosmetic Dentists

We guarantee you a minimum of 20 new high-paying clients in 49 days or less through AI Acquisition system.

Without having to chase unqualified leads, spend thousands on static ads or run crazy discounts.

What We Do👇

Direct response creatives

High Quality Leads

These aren't leads that came from a groupon discount or ones that leave you chasing them for weeks.We produce direct-response creatives that tell a story around your offer so prospects are excited to book in.

Sales Training and workshop

Close More Revenue

We help you close more in new revenue by helping you understand in-clinic sales psychology. Acquire more revenue per patient and watch your profits go up when you know exactly how to handle common objections.


Local Domination

This is how we make sure your calendar is booked up with eager prospects weeks in advance. We pair AI with Keyword Search and a review strategy to get you ranking to the top of Google in your local area.71% of ALL clicks for a search query go to page one, let's make it your business.

appointment setting

Booked In For You

Leads are warmest when they enquire and submit an enquiry. By the time you finally get through to getting back to them they're 50% less likely to book in.We deploy an AI appointment setting system into your business to take deposits and book them in for treatment.

TikTok Ads

Take advantage of an app that's cheaper to advertise on, brings you higher quality leads AND has less competition.

Facebook / IG Ads

Moving away from boring static image ads, we use real life user content to show the result of your treatments.

Influencer Marketing

Pairing you with local niche micro-influencers, we look to see who has the most pull in your region to bring patients.

Google Ads and SEO

Higher intent keywords will give you quality leads, we combine keywords with landing pages that convert.

ready to get started?

Book Your Discovery Call

Let's see if we'd be a good fit for each other on a short discovery session. Here, we'll gain an understanding on your available capacity, treatments you offer and goals.

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